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Equioils Leg Oil Conditioner is a unique blend of essential and mineral oils that we have developed and refined over many generations to achieve optimum skin health and feather quality.


Equioils Leg Oil Conditioner works on three key principles.


1. To promote skin health

It all starts at the root. Feather is only ever going to be as good as the skin it’s growing from. Equioils Leg Oil conditioner contains lavender oil to restore and promote the skins natural barrier. Rich in antioxidants, lavender oil draws out toxins and balances the skins natural pH levels. Lavender oil possesses anti fungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which soothes inflammation and supports healing. And most importantly, it discourages biting insects such as the dreaded Bovicola ocellatus, also know as feather mite.


2. To stimulate feather growth

Now to get the hair growing. Equioils Leg Oil Conditioner contains coconut oil to condition the hair and provide essential nourishment. Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and fatty acids, in particular lauric acid which restores the follicles natural lipid barrier. Whilst lauric acid penetrates deep in to the hair cortex to strengthen the hair shaft and prevent breakages, the medium-chain fatty acids combat dryness.


3. Provide a protective barrier

And finally protect. Equioils Leg Oil Conditioner Contains mineral oil, more commonly know as pig oil, which not only provides the carrier for the other Leg Oil Conditioner ingredients but more importantly creates the protective barrier needed to shield the newly conditioned skin and feather against all weather conditions.


As with all remedies for skin and hair health, the secret is to be consistent. Equioils recommend application once a week as a minimum and this should be maintained over a period of time to achieve the best results.

1 Litre Equioils Leg Oil Conditioner

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